Worth the download! To use the HRP, you need to have the EDuke32 engine working, as described above. This enables 3D models of your enemies and high quality graphics.

There's a high resolution pack available for use with the EDuke32 engine. When the game has started, remember to take a look at the video setup (options - video settings - texture filter and renderer setup) to change the settings to the highest possible values for a better experience. You can only select the highest resolutions if you also check the fullscreen checkbox. Don't have the game files? You can also download the rerelease from Steam!.Copy the Duke Nukem 3D game files ( DUKE3D.GRP and DUKE.RTS) to that same folder.Copy the contents of the downloaded zip file with 7Zip to an empty folder of choice.For 64 bits Windows, choose eduke32_win64_202xxxxx-xxxx.7z.For 32 bits Windows, choose eduke32_win32_202xxxxx-xxxx.7z.Download the EDuke32 engine (click on the download button).